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Sharing our Experience of Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®
1. MsKr SITH® Conversations
has over 158 videos on demand.
2. When you sign up for an MsKr Conversations you will get a thank you
note which has a link to the replay in it.
3. We post all videos on Vimeo.
3. You can access the videos on demand at the LINK from vimeo.
4. You have to join vimeo to access the replay or if you are waiting until after the live event.
and it is free to join.
5. If you sign up for the event but cannot make the live event, you will still be on the list we apply our SITH® tools.
and you get the replay.
6.When you register for the LIVE event if you send in a question related to the Topic: we may read it on the show.
7. We clean with all the questions that come in even if we do not read them on the show.
Currently we are using PayPal which has a way you can pay with your credit card if this option is not working you
can contact us at ask@ZeroLag.Biz and we can send you an invoice which you can pay with your Credit card.
8. We hope you have a chance to check out the Videos on demand. Many tools were given in the show that are
not in the classes. By inspiration from Dr. IHaleakala Hew Len or Kamaile Rafaelovich.
Enjoy Thank you and ALOHA
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